RCA is a members’ club, run by volunteers committed to the development of the club for its members.
All positions in the club are voluntary. None of the volunteers receive payment, reward, grace, or favour; they give their time freely to help run our club.
To contact the committee please email:

All roles are appointed following nomination and voted on by the members at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

The club appoints up to three trusted and respected members, whom the members believe have the long term interest of the club at heart, to be Governors. Their role is to ensure that the Directors and Committee fulfil their roles to advance the club in the sport of archery for the benefit of our members.
RCA is a Limited Company therefore must have a minimum of three Directors - the Chairman, Treasurer and Company Secretary. All Directors are required to act in accordance with the Articles of Association, the Companies Act 2006 (as amended) and any other statutory requirements.
The Directors make decisions only for statutory compliance but remain answerable to the Members for all club operational decisions.
The Committee is the group of members elected according to the Articles of Association to run the club on behalf of the members to achieve the goals and objectives of the club. The Committee meets every 2nd Tuesday of the month.
Any RCA member is welcome to attend the meeting if they wish.
A mandatory role needed to meet the requirements of Company Status.
The role is responsible for:
- Ensuring that the Committee is effective in its task of setting and implementing the company's direction and strategy.
- Supporting the Committee Members in achieving those strategies.
- Chairing at the:
- All Members Meeting (AMM).
- Annual General Meeting (AGM).
- Committee Meetings.
- Extraordinary General Meetings.
The role also requires the volunteer to be a Director.
Company Secretary
A mandatory role needed to meet the requirements of Company Status.
The role also requires the volunteer to be a Director.
Competitions Secretary
The role is to develop a calendar of home indoor and outdoor shoots and to communicate this to the members.
Equipment Officer
The role is to manage the equipment to allow all activities to run safely and to the club’s requirements, but all members are responsible for the equipment the club owns.
Health & Safety Advisor
The role is to ensure a suitable and sufficient Risk Assessment is maintained for the indoor and outdoor activities, carry out periodic inspections, advise the Committee over safety, and to maintain adequate First Aid material.
Junior Coach
The role is to ensure the junior archers have an inclusive programme of coaching, equipment nights, round shoots, and fun shoots. The Junior Coach, along with the Junior Secretary, runs the Junior sessions.
Junior Secretary
The role is to support the running of junior club coaching sessions or events and manage communications for the juniors. This includes sending emails as needed, keeping the junior membership mailing lists updated and being an administrator on the official RCA junior WhatsApp group.
The Junior Secretary, in conjunction with the Membership Secretary, acts as a first point of contact for new junior memberships and, along with the Junior Coach, runs the Junior sessions.
Junior Records Officer
The role is the same as the Records Officer but dedicated for the junior members.
Media Officer
The role is responsible for:
Membership Secretary
The role is responsible for:
- Dealing with all enquiries for general club information.
- Dealing with all applications for courses and membership.
- Arranging Beginners Courses and Taster Sessions.
- Entering the course details on the club website and on WebCollect.
- Liaising with and processing membership fee payments to Archery GB, the County, and the Region.
The role is an honorary position by invitation offered to the longest standing senior member of the Club, in turn. The role is voluntary and is generally fulfilled only once by each member.
The President is responsible for:
- The selection of the venue for the President’s Dinner & Presentation Night (with assistance from the Social Secretary and the support of the Committee).
- Presentation of the trophies and awards at the Presentation Night.
- Welcoming visiting teams at friendly shoots, e.g. Blackpool v RCA, or thanking the teams we visit.
- Chairing the Committee Meetings if the Chairman is unavailable.
Records Officer
The role is to collate all senior home shoot scoresheets and, provided they have been filled in correctly, enter the shoot data into the RCA records software from which members’ Personal Bests (PBs), Handicaps, Classifications, Trophies and Club Records can be determined. This data is also used to determine winners of competitions.
Rugby Representative
The role is to liaise with the Rugby Club on all matters relating to the use of the indoor and outdoor ranges.
Safeguarding Officer
This role is appointed by the Committee and not voted in. The candidate must be DBS cleared and have detailed knowledge of AGB safeguarding procedures in order to follow up any safeguarding concerns. The role is also sometimes referred to as the Welfare Officer or Child Protection Officer (CPO) and is included in the Safeguarding Officers’ group on AGB’s online Learning Curve platform.
The Safeguarding Officer’s contact details and photograph are always displayed in the range to enable all members to be able to contact them if they have any concerns about poor practice or safeguarding incidents for any archer, but especially for juniors (up to the age of 18) and for vulnerable adults.
The Safeguarding Officer also maintains the records of incidents, keeping copies of accident forms and the details of any safeguarding incidents in a secure location.
The role is to:
- Effectively record the discussions and decisions made by the members at the Annual General Meetings (AGM) and All Members Meetings (AMM), and to distribute the minutes to all members.
- Effectively record the discussions and decisions made at Committee Meetings, and to distribute the minutes to all Committee.
- Forwarding information from Archery GB, Lancashire Archery Society, and Northern Counties Archery Society to all senior members.
- General communications to the members.
Social Secretary
The role is to manage the social fund, develop a social calendar, organise catering, restock kitchen consumables, and purchase and distribute club shirts.
A mandatory role needed to meet the requirements of Company Status.
The role is responsible for:
- Ensuring that the finances of the Club are managed effectively and in accordance with the financial procedures and controls that are in force from time to time.
- Promptly dealing with banking, payments of invoices, expense claims and other payments as may be required.
- Maintaining the club accounts and financial records and documents.
- Reporting and advising on Club financial matters to the Committee and Members at such meetings as are called for that purpose.
- Preparing and submitting the accounts and supporting documents to the Club accountants on an annual basis.
- Liaising with the Club accountants as required in respect of the completion and filing of any statutory documents.
The role also requires the volunteer to be a Director.
Club Meetings
The volunteers of RCA frequently meet to discuss, plan, and authorise the operations of the club, and to update the membership with the progress of the club operations. Some of the meetings are general meetings where all members can raise any query, whilst other meetings have a limited agenda to resolve specific issues.
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The AGM is a general meeting held annually in November.
The notice period is 21 days.
All members are invited to hear the annual Committee Reports.
The incumbent Committee puts itself up for re-election and nominations are received for the next Committee roles, which are ratified by majority vote of the membership.
The Chairperson, Treasurer and Company Secretary must also be Directors of RCA Limited, as the role of Director goes with these Committee roles.
Members may choose and agree two additional Directors by majority vote of the members, subject to them qualifying as fit and proper persons under CASC and Companies Act regulations, providing a maximum of five Directors. The Directors will remain in position until they resign or are replaced by the members.
Nominations may also be made for up to three Governors, to be agreed by majority vote of the members. The Governors will remain in place until they resign, are replaced by the members at an AGM by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present or become incapable of performance at which stage they can be replaced at an AMM.
During Any Other Business, members may ask the Directors, Committee or volunteers any question relating to club operations.
All Members Meeting (AMM)
An AMM is a general meeting held approximately every three months.
The notice period is 14 days.
All members are invited to hear the current Committee Reports.
During Any Other Business, members may ask the Directors, Committee or volunteers any question relating to club operations.
Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)
An EGM is a general meeting called for a specific purpose and may be called by the Chairperson or by the Governors.
In a case where the meeting is called by the Chairperson the notice period is normally 14 days unless urgent circumstances demand something sooner.
In a case where the meeting is called by the Governors, the notice period is 28 days as the intention is to hold the Committee or Committee Members to account.
All members are invited to hear and discuss the topic, but no other matters will be considered.
Other Meetings
All other meetings will be arranged as required. The notice period is 14 days.